Stet Lab is, and has been for some time, on indefinite hiatus. [More info…]

Tag Archives: christian martin

Support the Lewis Glucksman Gallery

The flooding in Cork city has affected the Lewis Glucksman Gallery. The Gallery has offered generous behind-the-scenes support to Stet Lab, and they’ve hosted improvised music performances by guests of the Lab (including Paul Dunmall, Don Malone, Mark Sanders, John Godfrey, Mick O’Shea, Franziska Schroeder, Bruce Coates and Jamie Smith), numerous Stet Lab (ir)regulars and occasional drop-ins (including Han-earl Park, Neil O’Loghlen, Niwel Tsumbu and Christian Martin).

Stet Lab December 9th 2008: audio recordings

Audio recordings of the December 9th Stet Lab are now online.