Stet Lab is, and has been for some time, on indefinite hiatus. [More info…]

Tag Archives: june 2008

Lab report June 12th 2008: being the odd-one-out

There’s a lot to be said for being the odd-one-out: you can be lazy. There’s also a lot to be said for putting two ‘alikes’ together; be it the same instrumentation, or people who share a name. Okay, AFAIK, tactically, as an improviser, that latter factor doesn’t make an iota of difference, but I can […]

Lab report June 12th 2008: noisiest ‘hoedown’

“This was possibly the noisiest ‘hoedown’ ever………………………………………” —Everybody’s sub-conscious Anyway, it began with several short burst to get things started, from the house band of the evening. This comprised Eoin Callery (mountain dulcimer), Susan Geaney (flute), Tony O’Connor (bass guitar) and Barry Twomey (guitar). A very well behaved bass player who could have crush the […]

Stet Lab June 12th 2008: audio recordings

Audio recordings of the June 12th Stet Lab are now online.

Stet Lab June 12th 2008 (reminder)

This month’s Stet Lab (featuring Murray Campbell) will take place in just over a week (Thursday, June 12th).

Stet Lab June 12th 2008

Next Stet Lab (featuring Murray Campbell) will be on Thursday, June 12th 2008, upstairs @ Sláinte, Market Lane (off Patrick Street), Cork, Ireland. Please note the new venue!