Stet Lab is, and has been for some time, on indefinite hiatus. [More info…]

Tag Archives: october 2009

Lab reports 2008–2011: an index

Between June 2008 and April 2011, fourteen author-practitioners documented over nineteen events from the POV of the stage. The Lab reports were an opportunity for the improviser-musician-performers to explore and explode the processes and practices of music in general, and improvisation in particular. These reports ranged in tone from the oblique, the whimsical, and the […]

Lab report October 12th 2009: a conversation with Eliza

Since Piaras Hoban published an algorithmically generated text for his Lab report, and since I’m not averse to conversations with technics, I thought I’d follow his example with a conversation with Eliza (in this case Charles Hayden’s Java implementation of Eliza), the grandmother of Turing-test contenders. Here’s a more-or-less unedited conversation on the October Stet […]

Lab report October 12th 2009: be no shelter to these outrages

click clip surprises bell floored click clip the end light a little bell floored click clip the low end light bell blow tap tap wind tap tap wind tap tap tap wind tap type floored click clip hum no alarm this the low end light a off blow click clip the time some tap type […]

Stet Lab October 12th 2009: audio recordings

Audio recordings of the October 12th Stet Lab are now online.

Stet Lab October 12th 2009 (reminder)

Stet Lab returns this coming Monday (October 12th 2009), upstairs @ The Roundy.

Stet Lab October 12th 2009 (update)

Stet Lab with Marian Murray, Tony O’Connor and Han-earl Park, plus Piaras Hoban and David O’Regan, takes place on Monday, October 12th 2009, upstairs @ The Roundy, Castle Street, Cork, Ireland.

Stet Lab October 12th 2009

Stet Lab returns on Monday, October 12th 2009 at The Roundy, Castle Street, Cork, Ireland.

Stet Lab will be back in October 2009

Stet Lab will be back in October 2009!