Thinking in-the-box (I almost called this one ‘Four-By-Four’). A little something that I walked away with from my last performance. Not quite as… lyrical or inventive, I think, as what transpired at the gig, but it is a one-take. And a hat-tip to Richard Scott for mentioning EP last week.
At Friday’s solo set I found myself in spaces I had not occupied in a while—some techniques I hadn’t really leaned into in years. I wondered, without prep, if I could make something from these. Enjoy!
A quick’n’dirty improvisation—just something to try out a simplified recording and mixing setup. I have no idea if this one is any good. It’s what it is. (At least, as promised, it’s a first-take improvisation.)
As always, please hit me in the comments with any questions… although, as I went into this one with no plan, I’m not sure how helpful my answers might be. Regardless, thanks so, so much for listening!
A short, improvisative meditation on snaps and grids (or should that be unsnaps and degrids?). Simple, modest—nothing at all complicated—but it does exactly what I set out to do.
I love what’s recorded (and sculpted) here as sound. There are behind-the-scenes stories about an impossible group emerging from the debris of lockdown and the tangles of inter-border bureaucracy (stories for another time). But also, to my ears as a listener, there’s something tricky and oblique about our music—an origami of fire music and improvisative mischief—knotted, folded-on-itself, and, at time, joyously vexed.
Yet, the feeling on-stage, it’s all near effortless ‘and then’s and ‘therefore’s; of effects and reactions, but also reframings and reflections and retroactions. We went, I think, to a lot of unexpected places in that one session.
So sit-back in your favorite sofa or beanbag, or, headphones ready, go for a wander and a walk, or maybe sit at the table with a good book, and enjoy the journey. [Read the rest…]
I’m very, very happy with the music on this album, and feel very privileged to have shared this journey with the creative people on-stage, and behind-the-scenes. Please enjoy the noise!
Catch a track (‘Autopoiesis VI’) from Gonggong 225088! The extended preview will premiere at 5pm CEST* on Thursday, May 23, 2024! [Click ‘notify me’…]
By turns light-as-a-feather, and heavy and prickly as a bucket of rusty nails, the music is of contradiction and ambiguity. Leaps into ’90s HatHut pastiche are followed by truckers-in-space-engine-rumbles; slow-crawls-from-the-swap of irony-free ‘bells’n’smells’ sound art followed by turns-turns-turns-on-a-dime mutant Free Funk. [More…]
Click ‘notify me’, and be ready with your headphones (and popcorn), and join me on Thursday for some origami fire music!
* 17:00 CEST, 15:00 UTC, 11:00 EST, and 8:00 PST. (Or: 12am in Seoul, 6pm in Athens, 12pm in Buenos Aires, and 5pm in Berlin.).
Track listing: Autopoiesis I (≥ 10:14), Autopoiesis II (≥ 4:29), Niche Shift I (16:09), Niche Shift II (≥ 4:45), Niche Shift III (4:35), Niche Shift IV (≥ 12:52), Autopoiesis III (3:26), Autopoiesis IV (≥ 5:03), Autopoiesis V (≥ 3:17), Autopoiesis VI (3:37). Total duration ≥ 70:14.
The Zen of Frustration, or: ever had one of those days (or weeks)? This is probably as spontaneous as it gets. I felt better* by the end, but, I don’t know, as a listener, does this bring you frustration or relief?
* Autocorrect suggested ‘battered.’ Nice try, but no cigar.
My latest study in the #onetakestudy series is a super simple, quick little improvisation. This one is partly a response to some of the issues I had with study Nº 6. This study does, I think, what it needs to do, and no more. Enjoy.
I came away from a session with Kaffe Matthews with some fragments of ideas—not themes, barely motives—let’s call them random arrangement of atoms. This study is an unprepared (without even a warm-up) first-run of some of these. Think of it as a soup made from whatever’s at hand.
I’ve taken the title for this latest study (‘Don’t Overthink It’) from an album by Corey Mwamba. (I hope you don’t mind, Corey.)
Latest single-take improvisation, this one is, in part, a response to the shortcoming of study Nº 4. Of that study, I wrote:
There’s aspects of this I really, really don’t like. I hate that it’s that constant, artless thud-thud-thud through out. But there’s some parts—the way it’s contoured like waves—that might be salvageable. [Source…]