Stet Lab is, and has been for some time, on indefinite hiatus. [More info…]

Tag Archives: april 2008

web clear-out: audio recordings 2007–2008

A quick heads-up: I will be removing some of the audio recordings of Stet Lab’s first year (prior to the November 2008 event). [Listen…] I’ll be removing the audio recordings in August 2013, so you have a few months to download any recordings that you may want to listen to again. I hope to keep […]

Lab report 2007-2009: how to run an improvised music club

On the eve of our highest profile event, with 13 events behind us, this might be a good time to reflect on the stuff I’ve learned (and am learning) about running a space for improvised music. I’m indebted to those who have told stories of, and given advice on, running no- or low-budget ventures elsewhere. […]